This mini-site contains all the information and resources you need to participate in our Annual Convention, including our voting platform and the Convention live-stream.
Convention Resources
Live stream
All non-voting individuals are welcome to join and watch the 174th convention virtually.
Reports to 174th Convention from Working groups, Committees, Task forces, and Organizations.
Bring your own voting device
You’ll need to bring your own smart phone, tablet, or other device to vote.
Masking & social distancing
There is space reserved in the cathedral for those who wish to masks and remain socially distanced.
Latest Convention News and updates
Stay up to date with all convention recent news and updates.
Convention Details
Diocese of California 2022 Diocesan Convention The diocesan convention will be held online on October 28 and 29, 2022. All sessions will be held in a Zoom webinar format, so you will need a device to watch and follow convention business. If people are not...
All-Deanery Pre-Convention Meeting
Register today: All-Deanery Pre Convention Meeting Tuesday, August 30 Our 173rd Annual Diocesan Convention will be held on Friday evening, October 28, and all- day Saturday, October 29. Please mark your calendars, and begin to get familiar with the Convention...