Task Force on Truth-Telling, Reckoning, and Healing
Submitted by: Laura Curlin, Chair of the Task Force on Truth-Telling, Reckoning, and Healing
Submitted to: the 174th Diocesan Convention
The Task Force on Truth-Telling, Reckoning, and Healing was formed to assess how the Diocese of California can implement resolutions and recommendations on racial justice from the 80th General Convention. The Task Force is using recommendations from the Presiding Officers’ Working Group on Truth-Telling, Reckoning, and Healing to guide and organize our work. Our work kicked off in March and will be continuing through 2024. Our work has broadly fallen into the categories of: assessing past and current work, gathering input from the diocese, connecting with other groups in the wider church, and supporting implementation of racial justice initiatives.
- Assessing past and current work: The Task Force has reviewed recommendations for dioceses and congregations to foster truth-telling, reckoning, and healing to identify similar past and current work and possible gaps. We are noting successes, challenges, and areas where more information is needed.
- Gathering input from the diocese: Recognizing that work on racial justice particularly needs a variety of perspectives, we saw a need to reach out beyond task force members for input. We have held individual conversations with others that may not have the time to participate in the task force longer term. Everyone in the diocese can also share information about what they see in their own congregation using this form.
- Connecting with groups in the wider church: Task force member Stephen Tiffenson attended the It’s All About Love festival and shared learnings from racial justice workshops. Chair Laura Curlin connected with the Diocese of El Camino Real’s Truth Telling Task Force, conducting research on the church’s relationship with indigenous communities in California. Laura is also representing DioCal on the Episcopal Public Policy Network – California’s task force Beyond A Land Acknowledgment, and would welcome participation from others.
- Supporting implementation of racial justice initiatives: The task force has discussed the process for hiring a Canon for Racial, Social, and Environmental Justice, and is planning to support the process as it continues. The task force has also discussed the current state of anti-racism training in DioCal and how any challenges with further expansion could be mitigated.
In the next year, the task force plans to continue its work, particularly including:
- Additional information gathering to fill in identified gaps
- Collecting and updating resources on racial justice for use in the diocese
- Increase collaboration with the Union of Black Episcopalians, Afro-Anglican Commission, Asian/Pacific Islander Commission, and other groups in the diocese
- Connecting with the Episcopal Coalition for Racial Equity and Justice
If you have questions about the Task Force on Truth-Telling, Reckoning, and Healing, input you would like to share, or an interest in participating in our work, please email diocal_truthtellingtaskforce@googlegroups.com or lecurlin@gmail.com!
Laura Curlin, Chair
Rev. Hannah Elyse Cornthwaite
Rev. Jim Dahlin
Luther Manning
Rev. Will Scott
Rev. Stephen Tiffenson