2023 Proposed Salary Resolution and Mandatory Minimum Compensation 

Resolved, That effective January 1, 2023, the minimum annual compensation for clergy employed full time by the Diocese of California and by any parish or mission thereof shall be increased by 6.8% as reflected in the 2023 Mandatory Minimum Salary Schedule shown below.

Resolved, That Years of Experience be defined as Credited Service with The Church Pension Fund.



2023 Mandatory Minimum Compensation Including Self Employment Tax

1. That any deviation below these minimums may be permitted by the Bishop for serious cause, with the Bishop using the Executive Council as a council of advice.


2. When a rectory is provided, cash compensation may be 30% below the minimum figures to parallel Church Pension Fund’s requirement that cash compensation be grossed up by 30% for pension assessment purposes when housing is provided.


3. That employers of all clergy pay to each cleric 50% of the self-employment tax assessed on the cleric’s base compensation as a portion of total compensation (7.65% of base compensation). This amount is included in the schedule above.


4. The Convention strongly urges all churches, whenever possible, to increase the clergy and lay staff compensation by 6.8% for 2023 to accommodate for inflation.


5. That the minimum transportation allowance be $0.625/mile for congregation-related travel and is to be adjusted in accordance with IRS published rates for 2022.


6. That associate clergy minimums are based on the cleric’s years of service at two grade levels below actual congregation classification.


7. That, in accordance with the Sabbatical Leave Policy passed by the 2021 Convention, congregations with Intentional Interims remit 5.8% (or 3/52) of the Interim’s total salary and benefits, including health benefits and pension, to the Diocesan Interim Sabbatical Leave Fund.