Stanford Canterbury 2022 Report
In the past year, Stanford Canterbury has welcomed the ministry of a new chaplain, Travis Stevens, who began half-time ministry on campus in January. The chaplain serves in partnership with the pastor of University Lutheran Church at Stanford, who for the past 15 years was Pastor Greg Schaefer. Pastor Greg left the position this summer to join his new bride and family in Minnesota, and University Lutheran is currently in the search process for an interim pastor. in the meantime, Travis serves as the sole advisor to the Episcopal Lutheran Campus Ministry (ELCM) at Stanford. ELCM is the only mainline campus ministry and the only LGBTQ-affirming campus ministry at Stanford. The campus ministry has grown this fall to include several new students who found the ministry either online or through one of two student activity fairs this fall. ELCM hosted a table at the activity fairs where students planted donated succulent cuttings in small pots with the QR code for the student group website. Many thanks to the good people of St Mark’s Palo Alto, All Saints Palo Alto, and DioCal vice chancellor Gary England for donating our succulent cuttings! The ELCM table was a big success, and reached several hundred students.
Travis is in the process of renewing ties to Episcopal congregations in the Stanford area that have historically participated in the Stanford Canterbury board, including All Saints Palo Alto, St Mark’s Palo Alto, St Bede’s Menlo Park, Christ Church Portola Valley, and Trinity Menlo Park.
Notable campus ministry events over the past year included a Labor Day hike, an end of school year BBQ in the spring complete with a rousing game of croquet, and the celebration of Ascension Day at Memorial Church, where Travis preached, and students participated in the service. 2022-2023 promises to be an exciting year for ELCM. Several exciting events are planned, including a Day of the Dead celebration in partnership with Rev. Liz Muñoz, a holiday train ride in the East Bay, and a winter retreat with Cal Canterbury.