Resolution B:
Canon IV: Clarifying Quorum Language for the Convention


Secretary of the Convention

Last Update: October 27, 2024


This amendment to the canons was passed by the 175th Convention on Saturday, October 26, 2024.

Resolved, That Canon IV be amended as follows:

(remove strikethrough text, add italic bold text)

Canon IV. Quorum in Convention.

Sec. 4.01. Quorum Necessary.

No business shall be transacted in any Annual or Special Convention unless a quorum be present. A quorum shall consist of one Cleric affiliated with each of a majority of all congregations entitled to representation and one Delegate representing each of a majority of all congregations entitled to representation. A quorum consists of clerics affiliated with a majority of all congregations entitled to representation and lay delegates representing a majority of all congregations entitled to representation.


This amendment to Canon IV clarifies the language regarding Convention’s quorum and parallels the clarified language in the proposed amendment to the Constitution Article XII, concerning the quorum for a convention to elect a bishop.

This amendment to the canon does not change the quorum thresholds for a regular meeting of the Convention.

The Secretary thanks to Mr. Dave Frangquist, Secretary Emeritus, and Canon Christopher Hayes, Chancellor, for their help in refining this amendment. 

Submitted by:

The Rev. Br. Richard Edward Helmer BSG, Secretary of the Convention.


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