Nominee Biographies


Standing Committee

Executive Council

Secretary of the Convention

Treasurer of the Diocese

Nominees and Positions

Click on name of the nominee to be taken to thier biography.

Standing Committee

Elect: 2 — one lay member and one clergy member, four year terms, term begins upon election at Convention; the runner-up in the lay order will fill an unexpired term through the 177th Convention in 2026. 


Don Miller
Vinie Zhang Miller


Jim Dahlin
Beth Foote
Stephen Tiffenson

Executive Council

Elect: 2 — at least 1 must be lay. Three year terms, term begins January 1, 2025


Brad Barber
Anthony Mei
Christian Rideout


Kira Austin-Young
Annalise Deal

Secretary of the Convention

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Richard Edward Helmer

Treasurer of the Diocese

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Lane Ringlee

Click here to read position requirements. 

Standing Commitee

Elect: 3 — one lay member and one clergy member, four year terms, term begins upon election at Convention; elect one additional lay member to fill an unexpired term through Convention in 2026

Lay Nominees

Don Miller

Don Miller

St. Clement’s

Alameda Deanery


I am an avid hiker who also enjoys traveling, gardening, cooking and playing chess. I’m a longtime fan of the Giants, 49ers and Warriors. My wife and I attend theater and music performances at Berkeley Rep, the San Francisco Symphony and the San Francisco Opera.

I am passionate about giving back to the community by contributing to organizations addressing food insecurity, poverty and homelessness.

Professional associations

  • Episcopal Impact Fund, Board of Directors (2021 – present). Member, Program Committee, which is charged with recommending community, congregational and advocacy grants that benefit diverse communities within our diocese.
  • Options Recovery Services, Development Committee (2018-2019). Options operates several shelters in the East Bay that give men and women the chance to overcome substance abuse.
  • Upwardly Global, Development Committee and Mentor (2010-2011). Upwardly Global provides mentors to immigrants, refugees and asylees from second and third world countries who are seeking careers in this country.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

  • Bishop Search and Transition Committee (2022 – 2024). Served on Transition Subcommittee, Communications Team and Dispatch of Business Committee (advisor) that led to successful bishop election, smooth transition and effective communications.
  • Committee on Nominations (2021 – 2024). Alameda Deanery lay representative.
  • Executive Council (2019 – 2021). Member of Assessment Relief and Governance committees during Covid-19. Assessment Relief provided me with understanding about how Covid impacted churches across diocese.
  • Vestry, St. Clement’s Episcopal Church (three terms beginning in 2014). Chaired Outreach Committee and elected as Junior Warden three times.
  • Hunger Ministry, Alameda Deanery (2012 – 2013). Ministry supported congregational food pantries.

Major activities beyond diocese

I live in El Cerrito with my wife, Mary, and our two cats, Gracie and Ali.

I consult part-time at Project Open Hand in San Francisco, serving as their Salesforce administrator and database manager.

My role began upon my retirement in May 2023. Currently, I volunteer with the Berkeley Food Network, assisting their Development team while also volunteering with their food panty and food recovery programs.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

A Berkeley native who attended its public schools, I have witnessed the Bay Area change and, as a vestry member, have observed the increasing challenges our churches face. Major issues:

  • Addressing the decline in church membership
  • Ongoing recovery from Covid 19
  • Seeking greater diversity in our membership by partnering with underrepresented communities
  • Developing plans for utilizing diocesan real estate and creating affordable clergy housing
  • Finding ways how we can address climate change, poverty and homelessness
  • Fostering a continuing supply of clergy within the diocese

Why are you running for this position?

I am called to serve on the Standing Committee out of my sincere belief that my congregational and diocesan experience will allow me to make a difference as we move forward together during these pivotal times.

My role on the Bishop Search and Transition Committee gave me the opportunity to listen to people in all six deaneries. Above all, it provided me with the opportunity to discern about where we are today and where we need to be tomorrow.

I ask for your vote so I can bring my abilities to help strengthen our church.

Vinie Zhang Miller

Vinie Zhang Miller

Christ Church of Portola Valley and Woodside

Peninsula Deanery


Ballroom Dancing
Art Museum
Sustainability technology

Professional associations

National Dance Council of America

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

Served as Vestry member at Christ Church of Portola Valley and Woodside from 2020-2023, Senior Warden and Finance committee member for year 2023. Currently serving on the search committee and finance committee.

Major activities beyond diocese

Founder and President for two non-profit organizations: Ballroom Spirit Foundation to support youth ballroom dancers and Lijin Guohua Foundation to promote the understanding of Chinese art and culture.
Board of Trustees for Berkeley Art Museum Pacific Film Archive. Endowed multiple Distinguished Asian Art lecture series in University museums to allow free community attendance.
Angel investor and advisory board member to Haus.me, a sustainable and carbon negative housing solution provider.
Design Review Board for the town of Woodside 2021-2023 to help preserve the rural characteristics of the town.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Attraction and retention of younger generation members and offer meaning and relevance of religion in the time of modern society with progressive technology development and social/environmental change.

Why are you running for this position?

Answer the calling of service to the diocese and contribute towards our community by applying skills in empathetic complex problem solving as well as consensus building decision making with learnings from my previous experience as venture capitalist and non-profit organization operator/board member as well as civil servant.

Further personal growth in faith and religion by doing God’s work and learn from fellow standing committee members and the episcopacy.

Clergy Nominees

Jim Dahlin

Jim Dahlin

St. Augustine’s

Alameda Deanery


Eucharist, Dismantling Racism, Reading, Snowboarding, Motorcycles, and figuring out why things are the way they are while trying to change them for the better. I have had an eclectic career before becoming a Priest: College Swim Coach, Youth Mentor in Zacatecas, Mexico, Ski Valley at the Ritz-Carlton Bachelor Gulch, Director of Student Activities and adjunct faculty at a small college.

Professional associations

I served on Standing Committee in a previous Diocese. I was also on the Dismantling Racism Task Force

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

Task Force on Truth-Telling and Reconciliation

Committee on Nominations

I am Rector of a small parish – I change light bulbs and smoke detector batteries before preaching, celebrating and visiting the sick along with anything else that needs to get done.

Major activities beyond diocese

I am an adviser to our neighborhood association (tried to join the board, but they meet the same time as vestry meeting).

I have applied to be on three Interim Bodies between General Conventions.

I am getting more involved with community organizers in Oakland – Faith In Action, East Bay – in order to advocate for more affordable housing.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Coming out of the pandemic, many churches are smaller with fewer funds. We need a Diocese that will serve the congregations. We need to rethink structures that no longer work. Some of our churches are closing or shrinking and they need a Diocese that will support and help them survive and thrive.

Why are you running for this position?

With a new Bishop comes great opportunity to rethink how we do things – from assessment formulas to discernment for ordination – to survive in an ever-changing world. Oftentimes, this does not require anything drastic, rather an ‘outside the box’ outlook.

In my last Diocese I urged Standing Committee to meet over Zoom (long before it was ubiquitous) to make it logistically easier for a broader range of people to participate. A little change with big impact.

Beth Foote

Beth Foote

Christ Church, Alameda

Alameda Deanery


Traveling, preaching, training for my next pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago, writing, swimming. Practicing Spanish on the Duolingo app (and staying in the Diamond League) Growing flavorful tomatoes in a foggy climate.

Professional associations

Episcopal Impact Fund Board, 2017-2023, Brotherton Fund Board 2017-present, Commission on Ministry 2017-2022. Labyrinth Facilitator. Past member of Interfaith councils in the Southern Alameda and Contra Costa Deaneries.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

I served at Trinity, Menlo Park, from 2006, as Family Ministries Director, and then Associate Rector until 2013. Was Chaplain at Happening, St. Dorothy’s Rest and Bishop’s Ranch Generations camp. After discerning a call to Interim Ministry, I served at St. Luke’s, Walnut Creek; St. Anne’s, Fremont (twice); and All Saints’, San Francisco. I was also sabbatical priest at St. Alban’s, Albany and short-term Interim at St. Paul’s, Burlingame. From 2022-2024 I was Interim Director of Contextual Education at CDSP, and taught two courses on Field Education/Parish Ministry. I enjoy serving as supply priest and leading retreats.

Major activities beyond diocese

Being actively engaged with our very young grandchildren.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Our high cost of living challenges all aspects of life in the Bay Area, including the church. Post-Pandemic, many of our churches are struggling.

As a diocese, I believe we need to attend to the health of our congregations, and support our clergy as they lead.

Many of our neighbors yearn for connection, belonging, and meaning. How can we share the Good News of Jesus Christ and build thriving communities of faith?

How can our diocese better reflect the diverse population of the Bay Area?

Why are you running for this position?

As an Intentional Interim, I have served in five out of our six deaneries which has given me a very broad view of the diocese. I understand the challenges–and joys–of parish ministry in our context, and I would like to offer my experience to the Standing Committee.

While serving at CDSP, I learned how our clergy and laypeople had mentored CDSP seminarians over the course of decades. It showed me that, together, we have the capacity to nurture people for many sorts of ministries.

I’m excited about working with our new Bishop.

Stephen Tiffenson

Stephen Tiffenson

Holy Trinity / La Santisima Trinidad

Alameda Deanery


Tending to God’s children in their daily prayer life seeking to get the best ways of serving the Lord. Seeking God in my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and finding out their needs in the spiritual community together. There is a profound interest in how to serve my community through the Church as a Deacon of the TEC.


Professional associations

As a retired Oakland Firefighter and retired Police Officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service I am still connected with these departments in making and ensuring the standard of training is maintained. Executive Director of Mas Makers Massive a cultural institution to introduce and provide training to adults and children of the Bay Area community in improving their lives culturally, educationally and socially.


Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

A member of the board that sought the hiring of our new bishop. Member of the committee on Task Force on Truth Telling, Reckoning and Healing. Active member on the board of School for Deacons.


Major activities beyond diocese

Executive Director of Mask Makers Massive a cultural group that promotes the arts and culture traditional to Trinidad and Tobago teaching dances and costumes of the Carnival. I’m in the process of rejoining the volunteers at the International Maritime Center at the Oakland Port where I had served for a number of years, starting in my third year at School for Deacons but stopped to serve as a Chaplain at San Francisco General Hospital but most of us were put on sabbatical when the COVID Pandemic hit and have not been back.


In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Coming out of the pandemic, many churches are smaller with fewer funds. We need a Diocese that will serve the congregations. We need to rethink structures that no longer work. Some of our churches are closing or shrinking and they need a Diocese that will support and help them survive and thrive.

Why are you running for this position?

I have the feeling that I can bring my positive attitude and support to this committee by my experience in serving on various committees. I have a very strong sense of responsibility in bringing diversity of thought and action into this committee to help us attain the highest goals in ways that will serve our Diocese of California especially since we are in a changing and challenging time in our Diocese and TEC due to the facts of (1) A newly installed Bishop. (2) A newly appointed Presiding Bishop.(3) Soon to a new President of the United States.

Executive Council

Elect: 2 — at least 1 must be lay. Three year terms, term begins January 1, 2025

Lay Nominees

Brad Barber

Brad Barber

St. Stephen’s, Orinda

Contra Costa Deanery


Apart from family and friends, hiking and reading (mostly history) my other interests include church leadership and the various community service efforts, governing and advisory boards of organizations with which I am associated, described below.

Professional associations

I practiced securities, real estate and tax law in San Francisco and am an inactive (retired) member of the California Bar Association. I served as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Development at UC Berkeley and Assistant Vice President for Institutional Advancement at the UC Office of the President (Systemwide). I was later Senior Vice President at Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland. I served as a member of an advisory board for the National Academies of Science in Washington, DC.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

My wife, Cindy, and I have been members of St Stephen’s parish in Orinda for over 30 years. I have served on the vestry four times and currently and have twice chaired or co-chaired the rector search committee. I have been a member of the Finance, Investment, Planned Giving, Capital Campaign and other Committees. I am a Lector, Chalice Bearer, Eucharistic Visitor and regularly lead Morning Prayer at St Stephen’s. I served for five years on the DioCal Executive Council and am currently a member of the Finance and Audit Committees. I served for two years as Treasurer of DioCal.

Major activities beyond diocese

I am a Regent of Samuel Merritt University, a healthcare university that is building a new campus in Oakland. I also serve on advisory boards for the Institute of Governmental Studies; the Center for Civility and Democratic Engagement; the Public Law and Policy Program; and the Bancroft Library, all at UC Berkeley. I am a trustee of the UC Trust in London, England and of the Anglo-California Foundation. I am a member of the Orinda Sales Tax Oversight Commission and a former member of the Moraga-Orinda Fire District and other city task forces.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

The most urgent problem is declining membership and financial pressure on the congregations and the diocese itself. Without more members and greater financial resources our overriding mission becomes more difficult. The diocese needs to find ways to be of assistance to the congregations in their efforts to reach those who are unchurched or who have left the church. We need to invest our assets well and add to our endowments to take some financial pressure off the parishioners, congregations and the diocese. All this we need to do while keeping our hearts and minds on our overriding mission.

Why are you running for this position?

I am running for Executive Council. In hopes that my experience in law, finance and parochial and diocesan affairs will be of help in confronting the problems and opportunities facing the diocese and the congregations, especially in the areas of finance and investments.

Anthony Mei

Anthony Mei

St. Francis of Assisi

Marin Deanery


Fourth generation San Franciscan, with deep roots and an abiding interest in our city. Raised in New York, Saudi Arabia and Rome. Traveled widely in Europe and Asia. Experiences have given me an interest in, and understanding of, broad range of cultures.

Lifelong volunteer with Scouting America, at local through National level. Recently served 8 years as chair of the National Disabilities Awareness Committee. Currently Scoutmaster of SF Troop 58 at Konko Church, serving the Japantown community. I relish singing in our church choir. My wife of 53 years, Patricia, and I enjoy travel and cultivating our 40 rose bushes.

Professional associations

Earned a BS in Civil Engineering at Santa Clara University. Earned an MS in Engineering Management from University of Missouri. Registered Professional Civil Engineer and certified Project Management Professional. Retired as a Lieutenant Colonel with 28 years of active and reserve Army service. Retired after 40 years of Federal Civil Service, in SF, with the Environmental Protection Agenda and the Army Corps of Engineers, with a specialty in Environmental Engineering. I managed environmental programs in AZ, CA, NM, NV, UT and GU. Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Society of American Military Engineers.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

Thirteen-year member St Francis of Assisi, Novato. On vestry 7 ½ years. Junior Warden (two years) and pandemic Senior Warden (three years). No rector last 2.5 years. Parish sustained level membership. Eucharist celebrated by supply priests all but one Sunday over 31-month period. Member Marin Deanery past three years. Active member St Francis Community Pantry, serving individuals and neighborhood families, providing food, clothing and hygiene supplies. Ten-year member of St Francis Choir. Vestry member: facilities lead, long-term planner, chaired stewardship campaigns, and managed renovating part of vicarage building as Community Hub, which serves Indigenous Healing Center and other groups.


Major activities beyond diocese

Major volunteer effort has been 46 years with Scouting America. I’m an active leader at every level from local to national. Scouting roles have focused on special needs & disabilities (SND). Local involvement is with the Golden Gate Area Council (Lake, Napa, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda and San Francisco counties) as Assistant Council Commissioner for SND.

Staffed Disabilities Awareness Challenge in two recent National Scout Jamborees and led it in three subsequent Jamborees.

Coached Special Olympics bowling and bocce for 16 years. Founding board member of Marin’s Best, an organization that raises funds to support special athletes in Marin.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Our church needs to offer our wider community our leadership, based upon adherence to Jesus’ profound message of love for one another. We need to demonstrate our beliefs by leading and participating in activities that are of major relevance to our community today. I see these as working for environmental causes, addressing the needs of our immigrant community, seeking solutions for homelessness, caring for and supporting our youth, and expanding our ministry to our LGBTQ+ community.


Why are you running for this position?

Having worked locally since joining the Church, I want to use my career experience working at the regional level to further the impact of the Church throughout the Diocese of California. My work professionally at the regional and national levels has been focused on promoting diversity and inclusion (special needs and disabilities), infrastructure project and program management and environmental issues.

Christian Rideout

Christian Rideout

St. Clement’s, Berkeley

Alameda Deanery


Interfaith relations

Professional associations

Over 35 years insurance agency work.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

Vestry member, lay eucharistic minister, chorister, various volunteer opportunities.
Convention delegate at least 8 times.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Aging and declining membership. The challenge is for the church to let the world know how relevant to many people’s lives the church can be.
We need to emphasize our welcome, “The Episcopal Church welcomes you”.
We need to make our welcome clear, believable and obvious.

Why are you running for this position?

It was suggested to me. I have not been active beyond my parish, except as convention delegate but I would like to be of service if selected.

Clergy Nominees

Kira Austin-Young

Kira Austin-Young

Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin

San Francisco Deanery


Professional: resourcing families with school-age children to develop disciples of Jesus, biblical studies, forming intergenerational Christian community, the Magnificat, and ecumenical relationships

Hobbies: Opera/classical music, swimming, exploring San Francisco and the broader Bay Area with my spouse and dog, cooking, urbanism and advocating for better walk/bike infrastructure and public transit, social media, and studying languages

Professional associations

Associate Rector, Episcopal Church of St. Mary the Virgin, San Francisco (2022-present)

Gathering of Leaders (2023-present)

Young Clergywomen International (2012-present)

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

As associate rector at St. Mary’s, I primarily oversee our parish programming, particularly Christian formation at all levels, parish life, outreach, and social justice ministries. As part of the pilot cohort of Vital & Thriving, I serve as spiritual leader for the St. Mary’s Missional Innovation Team. This year, I was elected as clergy vice-president of the San Francisco Deanery and nominated to serve on the Board of Trustees for the Bishop’s Ranch, where I am on the Philanthropy Committee.

Major activities beyond diocese

In my previous diocese (Diocese of Tennessee), I served two terms on Bishop and Council (what we call Executive Council in DioCal) and two terms on the Christ Church Cathedral Chapter. I was elected as the first clergy alternate from DioTN for General Convention 80 in 2022 and attended that Convention in Baltimore. I am a contributing author to publications from Forward Movement, Westminster John Knox Press, Upper Room Press, and the United Methodist Publishing House. In 2022, I participated in the Missional Leadership Cohort for Episcopal Clergy based out of Luther Seminary.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

There is no denying that the Episcopal Church is in a period of membership decline, along with many other Christian denominations. In part, I believe this is because the church has not done a good job at showing the world how and why being part of a Christian community is any different from any other kind of community. Church communities are too often beset by a lack of trust, a scarcity mentality, and an inability to reconcile and forgive. My hope is that the Diocese of California can be a model to the world of what Christ-centered community is.

Why are you running for this position?

This is an exciting moment for the Diocese of California as we transition to new leadership with Bishop Austin and Canon Sierra. The institutional church also faces numerous challenges, and I look forward to working with Bishop Austin and the rest of the Executive Council to deploy the resources that we have to discover and partner with God’s mission in the Bay Area. I take seriously my ordination vow to “take [my] share in the councils of the Church,” and when asked to consider standing for election, I prayerfully accepted.

Annalise Deal

Annalise Deal

Saint John the Evangelist, San Fransisco 

San Francisco / Peninsula Deaneries


In ministry, I’m interested in new ways of being church that foster loving community, especially amongst young people. Outside of my work as a priest, I’m finishing a Master of Arts in History of Religion at the GTU- my research is specifically focused on San Francisco Episcopalians’ responses to the AIDS epidemic.

My hobbies are cooking elaborate meals for family and friends, and spending time outside- especially camping and hiking with my husband, Kevin.

We live in San Francisco in the Mission with our border collie mix, Pemi, and our two one-eyed cats Pablo and Marmalade.

Professional associations

  • Associate Rector- Saint Jude’s, Cupertino (Diocese of El Camino Real).
  • DioCal Young Adult Task Force
  • De Anza College Name Exploration Project
  • Industrial Areas Foundation- Silicon Valley Sponsoring Committee
  • Young Clergy Women International

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

I am canonically resident in DioCal, but I currently serve at Saint Jude’s Episcopal Church in Cupertino in the Diocese of El Camino Real. I oversee children, youth and young adult ministries, and share leadership in all aspects of parish ministry.

I am also active in DioCal- I served on the Clergy Housing Task Force in 2023, and have been on the Young Adult task force for 2 years. I serve as a camp chaplain at the Bishops Ranch for youth camps, and am involved in the young adult group and a parish small group at St John the Evangelist.

Major activities beyond diocese

In the Diocese of El Camino Real, where I work, I am working on strengthening young adult ministries across the Santa Clara Deanery, including through outreach to De Anza College.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

Like many, I believe that with declining and aging membership, there is not a declining presence of God in our communities. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are alive and well in our midst. However, I also find tremendous joy in having multigenerational worship, and seeing churches become more singularly aged feels like a loss. The biggest challenge facing the church is to renew our communities as multigenerational. In order to do so, we should consider how we might use our gifts as Episcopalians to attract and retain younger generations and invest in programs that make them feel welcome.

Why are you running for this position?

I’m running for Executive Council to bring diverse age representation and ensure our diocese is a welcoming home for children, youth, and young adults. As a cradle Episcopalian and recently ordained priest, I’ve spent over a decade in ministry roles focused on younger generations. My multicultural experiences and deep knowledge of our diocese’s history with these age groups will equip me to contribute meaningfully and immediately. I’m passionate about fostering inclusive, thriving communities where young people can connect and grow in their faith, and I believe my perspective will benefit Executive Council as we shape our future together in faith.

Secretary of the Convention

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Clergy Nominee

Richard Edward Helmer

Richard Edward Helmer

Church of Our Saviour

Marin Deanery


Spirituality & Religious
Life Piano & Chamber Music
Family Politics 
Science Fiction
Church Calendars
Web Programming

Professional associations

The Brotherhood of Saint Gregory (professed member since 2013) – an Anglican/Episcopal vowed religious community

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

Rector, Church of Our Saviour, Mill Valley, 2006 – present
Vicar, Christ Church – Sei Ko Kai, 2002-2006
Secretary of the Convention, 2020 – present
Assistant Secretary of the Convention, 2018-2019
Standing Committee President, 2012-2013
Standing Committee Secretary, 2010-2012
President of the Marin Deanery, 2009
Vicar, Christ Church – Sei Ko Kai, San Francisco, 2002-2006
Secretary to the Marin Deanery and Asian Ministries Commission in DioCal, 2003-2008

Major activities beyond diocese

Deputy to General Convention, 2015 & 2024
Alternate Deputy to General Convention, 2009, 2012, 2018, 2022
Secretary (2015-2022) & Vice Chair (2023-2024), House of Deputies Resolutions Review Committee
Appointed to the Standing Commission on Governance and Structure, Constitution and Canons, 2018-2021
Minister Provincial (Province 8/West) of the Brotherhood of Saint Gregory, 2015-2018
Secretary to the Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries Council, 2003-2006

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

1. Remaining prayerfully centered in our faith in Jesus and the working of the Spirit through the church and in the world around us.
2. Continuing to witness to the transformative power of the Gospel in world struggling with rapid change, political strife, socioeconomic divisions, and environmental calamity.
3. Sustaining our shared resources for ministry while building vision to manage and reconfigure our gifts for a more gracious future together.
4. Valuing and strengthening our democratic discernment involving all orders of ministry, especially in the face of the ongoing threat of autocracy.

Why are you running for this position?

It has been an honor to serve as Secretary of the Convention — now in its 175th year — through the challenges of the pandemic and the recent transitions of the episcopate in this diocese. I have grown to treasure more deeply the witness and ministries of our diverse congregations and the diligent, loving care our shared leadership brings to so many. I am excited to be part of the unfolding visioning process led by Bishop Austin and helping discern a Spirit-filled vision that will re-shape the work of the Convention and our diocese in the years to come.

Treasurer of the Diocese

Elect: 1 (lay or clergy order) for a one year term.

Lay Nominee

Lane Ringlee

Lane Ringlee

St. Stephen’s, Orinda

Contra Costa Deanery


My interests outside of work, family and church have included volunteer activities (primarily oriented around food insecurity). In addition, I am particularly interested in travel, American and European history literature. For recreation, I am an avid cyclist and am learning to play piano.

Professional associations

I have had professional involvement with the National Association of Corporate Directors and NYSE Governance Services, where I have had speaking opportunities. More recently, my research has been published in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance. In the past, my research has also been published in Risk & Compliance Magazine in addition to other professional publications.

Summary of activities within my congregation / diocese

For the Diocese, I completed a 3-year term on Executive Council in 2019 as Chair and served on the search committee for our chief financial officer search. I have been a member of Finance Committee since 2019 and Treasurer of the Diocese beginning in 2021. For St. Stephens, most recently I was elected to the Vestry, participate on our Finance Committee, was a member of the rector search committee and currently participate on our usher team. I’ve also participated on our discernment committee that has worked with several divinity school students during their path to ordination.

Major activities beyond diocese

In my professional work, I have conducted in-depth research and published on a variety of financial and governance topics including environment/social/governance and share buybacks, and frequently conduct in-depth financial analyses.

In my opinion the major issues facing the church today are

I continue to see three issues facing all churches at this time. We are experiencing greater levels of discord and divergence (political, economic and theological) than before. The challenge for TEC is to ensure for those seeking a relationship with God that we make certain our Church welcomes all. Related, we see discriminatory practices evident in ordination and membership in other churches that impacts broader views of religion. To remain as vital parts of our communities, our churches need to identify areas to implement God’s community through support of local needs.

Why are you running for this position?

I want to continue deepening my involvement in the Diocese and helping support our congregations. We are faced with the continued challenges and trends that have emerged from the Pandemic, and the strains on our congregations. These may not ease, and I hope I can support our Diocese by continuing our path to increased efficiency of resources provided to clergy and congregations by the Diocese, and continue to look for areas to ease the financial burden on our congregations. I believe my professional background and work with organizations on governance and financial issues will assist me in accomplishing these goals.